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Old 06-10-2012, 10:12 AM   #39 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Yeah... it was much much better than Alien 3. I actually still have trouble accepting Alien 3 as an official Alien movie because they killed a huge part of what made Aliens so good. James Cameron has been known to hate it. He felt killing off Newt and Hicks was a huge slap in the face to Aliens fans... and I agree. To me, the Alien series ended after Aliens. It's not the first Cameron series to make me feel that way, either. The Terminator series ended after 2 in my head.

Anyway, onto Prometheus. I actually think Scott did a great job of revealing enough to keep Alien fans enticed but keeping enough hidden to keep interest in sequels. A few things I'm glad he answered...

Spoiler for prometheus stuff:
What the space jockeys looked like. Now we know it was a helmet and they look human (more or less). As an Alien fan, that was a pretty big reveal.

We now know more about their relationship with the Aliens. At the very least they used their hyper-adaptable DNA to create the black goo that then helped create life on Earth. Why do I think it was Alien DNA and not something they engineered directly? Because they still couldn't control it and the mural on the wall in the room with the vases had an image of some Aliens on it, as if they revered them in some way. We also know that they used their DNA as both a weapon and a tool to create.

and some theories of my own...

Spoiler for more prometheus stuff:
They mentioned the head was roughly 2000 years old and the movie takes place in the late 2000s. Their decision to "start over" with life on Earth would coincide directly with a boatload of religious wars. This is backed up by the fact that faith and religion are themes in the movie. Humans fighting each other and being stupid would be a good reason to think their experiment failed and maybe they should try again.

People exposed to the goop directly go nuts, get hyper strength, and eventually their heads explode. It's a pretty good way to ensure a race is wiped out without having to blow up the planet and mess up their "lab".

They must also use the pure Alien form as a biological weapon as well. Why else would they have a stockpile of eggs on the ship in the first Alien? I'm thinking more of this will be revealed in the sequels.

So overall, I was very happy with the new life and possibilities breathed into a dying franchise. The pacing in the last half of the movie was choppy to say the least, but all in all I liked it a lot. I can't wait for the sequels. This is something new, too, because with each AVP movie that came out I cringed more and more and just wished they would stop.
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