Music Banter - View Single Post - The Rolling Stones vs. The Beatles
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Old 09-30-2005, 05:15 AM   #101 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: a city in australia
Posts: 19

right okay now for a start When i wake up in the morning Im glad I have both testicles..I routinely check for em..make sure they are there. You know. Imagine if you lost one..wouldnt feel quite right. kay.
Girl equivalent must be a breast.
The stones admit basing their career (early on) on the beatles when they wore SURPRISE matching outfits. the also played mostly covers. MOst blues bands did likewise a the time. The beatles actually wrote the stones a tune around this time. The stones then decided to be the anti beatles and be scruffy as the beatles where the clean cut guys. Not as rock admittedly!
doesnt mean much really??
But To say the Beatles songs all sound the same is dropping your pants in public.
Say you dont like em. Fair play. But saying they are all the same aint true.
To finalise I CANNOT CHOOSE BEtween my left and right nuts.
No vote from me.
unlearn and evolve
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