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Old 06-29-2012, 06:47 PM   #1330 (permalink)
Stoned and Jammin' Out
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I must say, BoY, that I flip-flopped changed my vote because I had cast my vote based on not listening to either album in at least a year or two. I relistened to Angel Dust, and then Zombie's, and then Angel Dust again. Let's just say... I'm still listening to Angel Dust today. And.... I have a bunch of new songs I really like that are on an album I thought I knew well. It seems I had blacklisted a bunch of songs on a first listen and never actually HEARD them. So... you know, actually re-listening to the albums when the wars/clubs are happening is important. We're not all perfect, but things change... if its been more than a year since you've heard it, try it again. Even now that the vote is over. Where I would have wrote off Angel Dust as having 4 or so great tracks a year ago or even last week, now I know its an amazing album throughout.

Whats also funny is Land of Sunshine I've played ... 30+ times, Easy ~10, Be Aggressive ~10, Midlife Crisis ~ 7, and all the rest were at 1 or 0 listens. That's how I knew I needed to go through and re-rate.

Same with Zombie, although in the end, Angel Dust really became the easy champ. It's ok that FNM ended up losing, I gained something great from participating in this war. And it was right under my nose.

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