Music Banter - View Single Post - my fave indie bands some are alt bands too
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Old 10-03-2005, 08:35 AM   #36 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 5

Originally Posted by Expletive Deleted
No, I was telling you why those bands weren't indie. To both you and the guy above me, out of those bands I like...

Franz Ferdinand
The Strokes
The Libertines
Death Cab For Cutie

[Most] of the rest I find boring, derivative, and generic (to be fair, that description could also fit Franz and The Strokes).

I've never heard a song by Simian, and I don't care either way about The White Stripes.
I would still class the bands I listed as Indie, I'm going off the indie scene in my area, you will hear a lot about all of those bands.

White stripes are probably my favourite band at the moment, very original sound

I still don't really get the whole arguement over NME writing about a band, If I do read NME, it doesn't decide what I like and what I don't like though! NME is always saying a band will be the next big thing, probably not likely but I think what is more likely is 1 or maybe 2 songs from a band will be remembered. It isn't often you get any band which is remembered a decade later.
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