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Old 10-04-2005, 03:48 AM   #97 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 2

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
American News is done by private organizations, not one's which are run by the government. I'm not sitting here and blindly say that I don't know that the government hides things from the media, to say that the Government runs the media is untrue, at least in the American point of view.
Hey there,

as I said, the media is controlled (not run) by those in power (not government). Governments (for me) are the puppets put into the public Eye, by the ones in power. And if the puppets don't dance to the right tune, we have seen what happens to them (Kennedy) just to name one.
Media is about selling more magazines and newspapers and getting more viewers than others. Therefore so called "news" have to be more dramatic, with more pictures - and foremost there needs to be constant repetition.
Since this is a music site, why not look at the well known payola.

Did you (or anyone else of course) not wonder at times, how some songs made it to number 1 hits, to be played on mainstream radio over and over again?
Is anyone here a musician, songwriter trying to get his/her music played on mainstream radio ?
Well I guess in order to get the exposure your music deserves (and it most likely is better than the one you hear on radio and tv) you need to put down some serious money to programmers in order to get your songs played, as the latest out of court Sony settlement shows.
And how come people go out and buy the music ? Because they hear nothing else, all day. From Restaurants to Supermarkets, from TV to Radio. If often enough heard, there is a recognition factor - and we find ourselves humming a melody, which in the first place - we did not even like.

Just my take on the matter, and like it was pointed out that trying to get information from only one source is not a good idea, if one wants to find the truth (or at least get close to it)

There are a lot of questions which arise at times, once we sit down and quietly analyse the "news" we just heard. If we imagine that what we just heard, was told to us by an individual we personally know (and it was not on national tv) I guess we are much more critical on this information.
We would question this person to the core, and throw in contra-arguments.
I do the same thing with news delivered to me from the media - try to find other views on the matter and then build my opinion on it.

For example it is very interesting to watch CNN USA and CNN Europe and compare the views. Paints a pretty different pictures at times.

Just my thoughts on that,
wishing you all a good day
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