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Old 08-11-2012, 06:50 PM   #1611 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Hobb's End
Posts: 7,648

Well it's been awhile since I've done an update, so here goes.

As usual I'll start with the Mod Team because bros before hoes


My favourite mod because despite being on the job for well over a year she exhibits no signs of burnout or apathy and still strives to make all the little events on this forum flow. From the weekly music projects to the fun holiday games like this year's Easter Egg hunt it's obvious she's committed to keeping things fresh. She's also almost always the first to greet new members.

She's also one of the more secretive members, actively choosing to distance their personal life from this forum, only giving the occasional hint as to their personality, which makes her very enigmatic. From what I've gathered we do share some parallels in the macabre, which is always a plus.

Freebase Dali

Another member who only ever offers us a small glimpse into his personal life, but despite that still has lots to say. He's definitely the go-to man with any technical question, and is instrumental in helping us connect the dots between spammers and troll accounts. His music is really cool, and it's helped me sort of map out what I suspect his favourite bands are. Overall he seems like the type of guy I could get on with because he doesn't seem overly verbose, and he seems more the type to sit and take in the situation, rather than make hasty decisions based on emotional outbursts.

Urban Hatemonger ?

The cool and grumpy Uncle to Right-Track's cool and grumpy father. Always has a quip ready and is not afraid to speak his mind, even at the expense of someone else. Always manages to break up the arguments before they get too out of hand, and never does so in a "go to your room and think about what you've done" kind of way. On the music side he's definitely the guy to go to for finding the second and third tier bands to your favourite first tier, which has helped me tremendously, and he always seems to have some opinion or tidbit of information to help further explain a band's history.

Burning Down

While we don't have a lot in common musically, we do share a love of everything Simpsons related, and I'm sure we could entertain each other for hours quoting episodes. Definitely doesn't seem to have had much personality change or tonal shift in her posts since becoming a mod, which is pretty cool and hard to do. I mean it's not like there's a big difference, but speaking for myself, I definitely find I carry myself in a slightly more conservative manner. Her stories are always fun to read and she seems like one of those people who would still smile at you even if she was having a bad day.


Dude's a friggin' scientist, how freaking awesome is that? His music tastes have definitely helped me ease back into the current alternative scene and have kept me up to date on what's hip and fresh. Doesn't seem to post as much anymore, but he's online at least once a day, but I suppose when you're perfecting a clone army of Freddie Mercuries (my theory on what he does in the lab), your time is precious.


Another mod who seems to be MIA lately, but after reading his last thread it's pretty obvious why. We've definitely had a more close connection over the last 3-years as we both tried to do various projects to help the forum out, like our zine that only lasted 1 issue. He's definitely one of the very talented members on the forum, and I do enjoy listening to his music. I hope that in his absence he's been working on an LP or something, because that would be pretty awesome.


For whatever reason whenever I think of your username I want to add "House wife" despite the fact that you're not one. She seems to be enjoying her summer and spending less time on the forum, which is sad because her posts are always a fun read. I hope she starts posting more, because she is one of the few people that keeps the country forum alive.


I'm not sure why I was surprised to see her modded when I came back last summer, I mean she's one of the most senior members on the forum. She's another one who has been absent as of late, but I believe that's been computer related mishaps. I definitely see her as the heart of the mod team, a member whose actions are based more around sensing and gut instinct (not that she has a gut mind you). It's not a method I would see myself using because I think almost exclusively with my brain, but I definitely see the advantages of keeping a balance.


I really hope he comes back, but I know he's had some personal problems and those definitely take priority. He's always been an interesting member, one whose anecdotes I would anxiously follow. His musical tastes don't always mirror my own, but I definitely think there's enough middle ground for us to carry a conversation, and even learn a thing or two from each other.


Another member who has been absent, which is sad because he's one of the remaining mods back from the day when it was almost exclusively British. I definitely like how he carries himself and doesn't get hung up on his musical preferences from defining his personality. I mean you take a look at him and you might think he's a throwback thrash metalhead, but you get to talking to him and you find out that he is that, but he can also talk your ear off about post-punk and other genres that betray his image, which I always find really cool.


I definitely like how he's sort of become a little more involved in the forum, posting in places other than the mod forum. I definitely think he's a cool guy and there's a lot more to him then meets the eye. He's the best conduit between the forum and the administrators we could ask for, because he's not all business, and he has time to put his feet up and just shoot the shit.


Last but certainly not least we have Janzoon, who has been one of the longest serving mods on this forum. Ever since Right-Track stepped down I've always thought of him stepping up and filling in the shoes of the Moderator father figure, and I really can't think of a better person honestly. He's firm, but not draconian, and he always has reason to backup his claims. He's never afraid to be the one to drop the hammer, but he does so in a way that you can't stay angry at. Nothing but respect and admiration for this man.

I'll do members tomorrow.
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