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Old 08-11-2012, 10:12 PM   #1615 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post

Dude's a friggin' scientist, how freaking awesome is that? His music tastes have definitely helped me ease back into the current alternative scene and have kept me up to date on what's hip and fresh. Doesn't seem to post as much anymore, but he's online at least once a day, but I suppose when you're perfecting a clone army of Freddie Mercuries (my theory on what he does in the lab), your time is precious.
Actually, it's not just Freddie Mercury clones. I'm planning on an army of clones of all the big names of rock. Think about this...a supergroup consisting of Jimi Hendrix, Freddie Mercury, Keith Moon, and Cliff Burton at every birthday party in the country. I'll be rich.

Anyway, thanks for mentioning me! I feel weird if I don't log on at least once a day to see how things are going. People don't realize this, but I do see most of what's going down here. I also like to hear that my music recommendations are being noticed. My activity may go up or down, but I'll be here as long as MB is around.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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