Music Banter - View Single Post - Keith Moon vs. Neil Peart
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Old 10-05-2005, 09:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
Seeker of Peace
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boo boo's got it.

There really can't be a conclusive "who's better" (no pun intended), because they ae two completely different drummers.

Peart is a master of the clinical, concise, very regimented approach, while Moon was a true free spirit.

This is strictly my opinion, but I feel Peart's style, while very, very impressive, is a detached sort of by-the-numbers approach. Everything he does fits exactly in the spot where it belongs. There's no emotion involved. It's as if he's building a car, with every nut and bolt torqued to exactly the correct psi.

Moon, on the other hand, at times, seemed to just channel the music through himself, out to his kit. There was no true rhyme or reason, just a free flowing cacophony, bursting at the seams, that just seemed to make sense.

I suppose a good simile would be; while both drummers used all the crayons in the box, Peart always colored within the lines, and Moon didn't.
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