Music Banter - View Single Post - Anyone Else Dislike Most Long Songs?
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Old 08-15-2012, 04:51 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Well, surely the point about creating a thread that asks a question is that people will have differing opinions, and some will try to sway you to their point of view? A thread titled, for instance, "Who loves Gary Moore" or "Aren't the Darkness great", or whatever, will attract positive and negative replies. If your title had been, say, "Do you prefer shorter or longer songs" then maybe there wouldn't have been so much overtly negative reaction, but the fact that you are so entrenched in your opinion and discount so much good music for what is, patently, a crazy reason, is irking a lot of people.

If I know a band, am IN a band, or know OF a band, who play great music but most of it is over your stated time limit, then I know you're never going to listen to their music, and that makes you come across as somewhat ignorant, I have to say, not to mention intractable. I've truly never heard such an unsupportable reason for not listening to music, and that's why so many people here are gobsmacked and can't believe this is the criterion you use. That's why there are no really positive replies, why no-one is agreeing with you.

Though again, as Janszoon says, we're all music aficionados, who aren't too bothered about chart music, the typical 3/4 minute hit single. Were you to have posted this in the pop section, chances are you'd have a lot more people agreeing with you, as people who are into pop/chart music generally prefer shorter songs, though of course that doesn't mean they would refuse to listen to a longer one: look at all those twelve-inch remixes and special extended plays that go on in clubs. Nearly everyone has a liking for longer tracks, even if only sometimes. After all, if you enjoy a song wouldn't you prefer it to be longer than 3 or 4 minutes?

But to return to your original assertation: this is a discussion forum, so people will discuss, and whereas many arguments will have pros and cons and people for and against, there seem to be few who would point blank refuse to listen to a song over six minutes, the way you claim.

So yeah, looks like you're on your own. But hopefully as Mrd00d says, you will change at some point, because you truly are only getting about 1 percent of the greatest music out there due to your stubborn refusal to allow longer songs into your listening habits.
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