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Old 08-19-2012, 04:28 PM   #47 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'd never consider myself a real soul fan, but man some of those songs brought back memories! I remember listening to the Stylistics (admittedly, it was "You make me feel brand new") on my sister's "hi-fidelity" record player --- you probably remember; basically a case, leather or imitation leather bound, made of wood, huge like maybe a really big 70s amp, with a handle (!) and big knobs for volume, open the lid and the record player was in there, speakers built into the case: fearsome! --- and thinking how amazingly rich and deep the sound of that record was. Think that was my first real experience of great production. Loved the song too, so romantic, and not afraid to show it. Mind you, I used to think it was a girl singing!

As for "When will I see you again", that was one of my all-time favourite songs when I was growing up, and still is. I don't know what it was about that, but between it and the Bee Gee's "Run to me" those songs just made me feel a way that sort of slipped away over the years, but they can still transport me back to those happy times of innocent youth, when I didn't even own a record player and would have to hear my music coming muffled through my sister's door.

Thanks for rekindling those memories!

Edit: found a picture! Ah, that old record player!
You know, that's just how I feel about the 90s. There are just those certain songs that take me back to how things used to feel when I was just a kid. I like to try to imagine what it would be like to have grown up in different time periods, even though I know I could never appreciate the past like the people who actually lived it can. But I still feel a strong connection to "retro" music

That's a nice record player alright! And some great memories. Thanks for sharing.
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