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Old 08-29-2012, 05:50 AM   #1318 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You're calling someone (a mod, no less) a brat and then making a completely unsupportable comment and wonder why that makes you seem like a brat?
I stand behind my comment. I thought Pedestrian's claim was petulant. Mod status doesn't mean we can't voice our opinions.

In all the reviews of Springsteen, be they albums or concerts, there has never been one to my knowledge that derided or called into question his singing. It's certainly not a popular belief, nor I think has anyone ever voiced it, because no-one who has seen him or heard him thinks that.
...I'd look a little harder.

It may be your opinion, but don't voice it as "he never learned to sing until 2004" when that's a complete lie.
Don't take everything so seriously. I still like the guy's music very much. Just because his voice bugs me doesn't mean I'm not a fan.

You also conveniently avoided my question as to why you zeroed in on that year, which was totally unremarkable in terms of Springsteen's output. And I will certainly take it seriously, as you're obviously not joking, and I can't listen to you denigrate one of my favourite artistes with a comment that makes no sense at all. People who make what I see as paper tiger arguments certainly fall into the category of brat: you just want your opinion to be seen as the only or correct one, and it's not so.
I used 2004 because it was around the time of The Rising, which I believe came out the year before (I could be wrong). And then what followed where some very strong albums vocally including Magic and Wrecking Ball. On both of those records, and on The Rising, I feel like his voice really developed. He doesn't even sound like he did in the late 90s, although I liked the way he performed Ghost of Tom Joad. I can bring up a million points, but you'll always say my argument is weak because you don't want to hear what I have to say either.

I can cite you instance after instance where Bruce's voice blows away the competition, but you have your mind made up and I'm not going to be able to change that obviously.
You're the one getting so upset. I didn't intend on starting a fire here. I'm going to like Bruce the same amount I will at the end of this, and I think you will too. Just because we happened to disagree on something doesn't mean we have to go to insults. I'm not sure why you're getting so upset. I was kind of taking the piss out of the situation earlier, but I seem to have seriously offended you. I was really intending to have a debate over Bruce or not. I don't find him to be the most talented vocalist, but it doesn't mean I don't like his music. I'm not saying that everything he has ever sung from 1973 to 2003 was a pile of steaming crap. Please calm down a little. Generally speaking, I prefer his voice now. It seems to have deepened and I find it a lot more enjoyable than I do on Born to Run. But in case you haven't noticed, I also love Madonna, and lord knows she's not a great vocalist. In the case of Thom Yorke, I find it so obnoxious that I can't listen to Radiohead's music. In Bruce's case, it just kind of bugs me.

But I'm also entitled to my opinion, and it is that you don't know what you're talking about when you put down his singing.
You can think that. I'm not sure what would make me qualified then to have an opinion on one of my favorite artists. Apparently playing out his records constantly isn't enough. Do I need a degree and take singing lessons to be able to appreciate his earlier vocals?

Oh, and have some respect for our mods. Janszoon has been hear years and is one of the best and most impartial debaters I've met, and Pedestrian is a lady, has also been here far longer than you, knows how to debate much better than you or I, and you have no call to be attacking her. Or him. If that isn't bratty behaviour, then I wasn't voted the Least Sexy Forum Member of 2011!
...when did I give Janszoon any grief? I happen to very much enjoy Janszoon's posts. I regards to Pedestrian, I apologize for the gender mix-up. Happened to me a few pages back. But regardless, I'm still allowed to have opinions, and I don't feel bad about having them. Pedestrian made an insulting remark, one that not just I found to be insulting, and I made one back. I don't think everything has to be such a big deal.

Trollheart, I like your posts very much. And I personally don't have any problem with you. I'm also not trying to make you hate Springsteen's earlier vocals. I just don't happen to like them. Can we relax a little bit? It's really not that important at the end of the day.
“0h my g0d muzic sux n0w but im really c00l becuz i listenn to the beatlezzzz rip g00d muzic”

Last edited by Duraddict; 08-29-2012 at 05:58 AM. Reason: addition
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