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Old 08-30-2012, 04:07 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Hi Caroline,

Originally Posted by kearnine View Post
Here's what I need. Please tell me your opinion on this debate. Do you think the lyric "I'm so sick of wasting time on you" is negative?
Yes, I feel that the lyric is negative because when people are feeling frustrated with someone in a relationship, ideally they express their emotions in a constructive manner before getting to the stage of thinking or saying, "I'm so sick of wasting time on you," which is verbally abusive.

Originally Posted by kearnine View Post
As we've provided guitar lessons supported the boys' developing talents and the band, my husband and I have made it clear that the song lyrics and overall tenor of their music needs to stay positive. At least while we're in charge, footing the bill, and responsible for teaching them values. They have been happy to follow this guideline.
It sounds as if perhaps at the start you all thought you were in agreement on what it means to "stay positive" and have only now discovered that your views differ. Being able to express your feelings and perceptions and have an open debate, as you are all doing, is a great example of how to deal with disagreements.

Something to consider is that a song that appears negative on the surface might actually serve as an example of what not to do in a relationship, and thus the song might have a positive impact on listeners.

If people get to the point of wishing to say, "I feel like I'm wasting time on you and I'm sick of it," then that is a red flag about the relationship dynamics. Someone listening to the song might view the song as showing what we should *avoid*.

Similarly, if a person hears someone say, "I'm sick of wasting time on you," that is a red flag to get out of the relationship or at least step back and discuss how to deal with problems in a constructive and non-hurtful manner.

Originally Posted by kearnine View Post
But now we have this lyric. To me, it's negative and mean-spirited. And suddenly my husband and I are in different universes on the subject. He and the boys react to my objection like I'm completely nuts.
The possibility that your husband and boys are treating you as if your view were "nuts" concerns me, because you have a right to your perceptions, just as they have a right to theirs. If they are saying your view is "crazy," then this is being disparaging and dismissive, in my mind. That would be more of a concern to me than the lyric.

Originally Posted by kearnine View Post
The boys say, "It's just a lyric! No one would think we actually say stuff like that!"
I disagree with your boys' statement. No musicians can control how listeners will perceive their lyrics. Some listeners may conclude that the musicians might say such things in real life; other listeners might think they were just being creative in the song, much like actors who portray different characters.

Originally Posted by kearnine View Post
My husband calls the lyric ironic and "funny", which utterly baffles me.
I agree with you. I don't see the lyric as ironic or "funny" at all. It seems sad to me.

Originally Posted by kearnine View Post
All three of them reject my perception about songwriters and performers - that usually, purposely, they are putting forth who they are in their lyrics - their philosophic values, life experience, etc. So, I'm told, it's silly to assume that a person hearing "Ink" might think, "Sheesh, is that what these guys would say to a girl during a break-up?
I think your and their views are both partially right and partially incorrect, Caroline. Musicians sometimes make songs that reflect their values and life experiences, but sometimes they do not.

Since "Ink" has already been created and posted online, it looks like your concerns weren't large enough to prevent its creation, and so I'm thinking that the bigger issue now underneath the lyrics is whether your husband and sons are being respectful of your views as all of you debate this topic. Also, it sounds as if you and your husband are now facing a conflict over whether to continue to support your sons' music if you do not agree on what "positive" songs are.

I feel you all show great caring and concern for each other by discussing this topic and trying to wrangle out your differences within your family. Disagreements are hard, and role-modeling constructive ways of dealing with them will probably end up as being more important than the song itself in your sons' lives.

My personal view on the song is the same as Tore's (above): I don't feel the song's negativity means it is a bad song to have one's children create. I feel the song is one that vents or expresses an emotional state, and although it is not a desirable state, bringing those emotions out in the open and acknowledging them is a first step in practicing how to deal with situations that cause such emotions to arise.

I can understand how you wouldn't want your kids to feel that you in any way support their telling someone, "I'm sick of wasting my time on you." I agree with you. Yet I also feel that allowing kids to express their emotions and creativity is very important. Allowing free speech is an important philosophical value to me, even and especially when what is said isn't what I want to hear.

If you and your husband do agree eventually on what is "positive," and your sons disagree with your assessment, then perhaps you could give your sons the option of using their own earned money to support their music. That would be a middle ground solution if you cannot all agree on the direction you want their music to take.

I hope this helps!

~ Erica
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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