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Old 09-03-2012, 05:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I think what you're missing here is that yes, you can train to SING, but not necessarily to become a GOOD singer, much less one that can do so professionally and make a career out of it. Like I said, you need some talent there in the first place. If that isn't there, no amount of training, learning, spending time at it is going to make you good enough to be successful.

If it was that simple, everyone would be running to their local voice coach to spend months/years training and would be then able to have a career in music. Not everyone is musical, just as not everyone can play an instrument: the initial talent has to be there first, and if it isn't, at least as far as singing goes, then you're just wasting your time.

You could I suppose divide the world into four sections: those who can sing, those who can't, those who think they can and those who really don't know or care. But if you were to make a pie chart (mmmm... pie!) you would probably find that the first section would be a lot smaller than the rest. That's just how the world is: if everyone could sing, probably everyone would, but not everyone can. Not that that stops people making a fool of themselves on Karaoke night!

Look at it this way, much as I hate him, if you were to send your tape to Cowell what do you think he'd say? You think you'd get past the audition? And when people got that response from him, did he say go and train with a vocal coach? No, he said you'll never be a singer, give it up.

Harsh words? Perhaps, but the truth can be hard to hear. And sorry, I have now listened to your sample, and to be frank it's awful: even I could sing better than that, and I KNOW I can't sing. There's no melody or phrasing in your voice, no warmth, nothing to interest a listener: you just sound lost, like you're really trying hard but have no clue how to sing.

Sorry: you asked for honest opinions, and there's mine.
Don't be sorry, that's what I'm here for - to find out if I should try to spend money on getting the training or not. I'm not looking to become a singer, I just enjoy singing, much like most of people do in the shower, etc., I just wanted to train to a point where people wouldn't want to put earplugs into their ears.

I feel what you're saying, and you're right - I don't have a clue how to sing, that's why I thought if someone gets trained, you know - all the theory, breathing, vocal release or whatever - they then HAVE A CLUE how to sing, and then and only then it depends on whether their voice (or maybe something else, you tell me..) is good enough to carry on singing.

There are mixed opinions here, and that is why I keep coming back to this thread. Same as you have mentioned musical instrument - I'm playing a guitar, and trust me - ANYONE with fingers can play a guitar. Whether they'll become the next Jimi Hendrix or not of course depends on a lot more things, but to play some sort of punk rock music and even join a band - anyone can, it just takes hard work, dedication and practice.

Coming from this, that's how I thought I might have worked with singing too - just a lot of hard work, but I guess I'm wrong... and I take you people here definitely know your stuff.

I do appreciate the honest reply! That is what I'm after, so thank you.
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