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Old 09-12-2012, 04:06 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
I have another query for college veterans. How the **** do you manage to get everything done and still have some time for personal life? I have done NOTHING but work from sun up to sun down for a week and a half. I get up at eight, I have class until 2, I read and make notes until 10 PM and then I repeat the process.

It's taking a toll on me. I just want an hour or two in a day to listen to some music or do some artwork, but there's just no time. I can't even fathom getting to go home and see my family or get a shift in at work.

The stress is going to kill me. I don't know how other people get through either A) doing all this work or B) by not doing it.
I don't know what the universities are like in Canada or if you guys use semesterisation or not, but either you're being given more work than you can handle or you're doing an unnecessary amount of study. My first two years in college were fairly easy going and apart from a few easy assignments in each semester I didn't really get into serious studying until about a month before the end of semester exams. I still managed to have plenty of time for work and socialising. Third year was a bit busier but my final year was intense. But by then I had learned how to manage my time and develop a proper study and project schedule, allowing for breaks and such. I still managed to work a weekend job at the same time but unfortunately I had to sacrifice my social life to an extent. It was something I had to accept as I knew I had a lot more important things do and it was all part of growing up, but it payed off in the end.

Even if you just set aside an hour during the day and an hour in the evening for other activities it can make a huge difference to your mental well-being and make your study-time more productive and focused. Prolonged studying for hours is never a good idea and you will find yourself doing less and less work as your mind turns to mush.
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