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Old 09-13-2012, 02:11 PM   #692 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Well with Oscar season right around the corner, here are the movies I'm looking forward to.


The Master

Apparently it's a film about the founding of the Church of Scientology directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and staring Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

Cloud Atlas

Tom Hanks starring in a post-apocalyptic film directed by the Wachowski siblings. It definitely looks like it will be a pretty film at least.

Wreck-It Ralph

Toy Story for video games, what's not to love?

Zero Dark Thirty

The love of my life, Kathryn Bigelow's new movie about the operation to track and kill Osama bin Laden after September 11th. I enjoyed The Hurt Locker even though I think it didn't deserve best picture in 2009. Either way I pretty much love everything Bigelow has ever done so I will be seeing this one opening night.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Yeah... I'm ready to go back to Middle Earth.



I really hope this one works out, I mean Ben Afleck definitely proved he has some directing chops with Gone Baby Gone and the Great Canadian Caper is certainly an operation that deserves a movie of its own.


I enjoyed Casino Royale but thought Quantum of Solace was just... blah and really made me question if gritty realism and James Bond can go together. Skyfall at least looks like the series is learning to have fun again, and I'm interested to see the relationship between Daniel Craig's Bond and the new Q play out.


A dark comedy satire of the 2008 Presidential election in the form of a small town butter carving contest? Colour me interested... I just hope it plays near me, this one seems like the kind of film that will only be in select cities.


Bruce Willis and Joseph Gorden-Levitt starring in a sci-fi action flick involving organized crime and time travel directed by Rian Johnson, the man behind the criminally underrated neo-noir film Brick? Yeah okay, just as long as it doesn't turn into another Surrogates...

The Man with the Iron Fists

I have to say I'm looking forward to this more than Tarantino's upcoming Django Unchained, mostly because I have a feeling I can already tell what that movie will be like. The Main with the Iron Fists on the other hand seems like it might have some more teeth to it, and I'm definitely interested to see if Wu-Tang's The Rza can cement himself as a filmmaker.



Mostly because despite how well any other the other film's leading actors are, the Academy Award for Best Actor is going to go to Daniel Day-Lewis because it always fucking does.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I was really hoping Emma Watson would hold out a little while longer before playing a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. There's just something about this movie that feels so artificial, like there was an exact amount of quirkiness the film crew was going for and as soon as they reached their quota they just decided to stop.

[REC 3]: Genesis

The first [REC] will probably go down in history as one of the better found-footage style films that came out at a time when the genre was already pretty played out. After the bizarre direction they went with [REC 2], I can't help but feel these sequels will taint a perfectly good movie.

Taken 2

I said earlier that I was dubious of the film's use of revenge as the bad guys' motivation because it undermines the entire point of what the first film was suppose to be about, unquestionably and cartoonishly evil bad guys getting their faces shot off by Liam Neeson.


Sorry Mr. Burton, but ParaNorman has beaten you to the punch for a claymation family-horror film.

Paranormal Activity 4

It's just sad that the film that saved us from the yearly Saw update is now being put through the same ringer and exploited for whatever liquid is squeeze out of its orifice, regardless of how sour it smells.
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