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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 09-19-2012, 07:41 PM   #10413 (permalink)
Bigger and Better
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Texas girl living in the UK
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Today's bitch is about people who go on and on about all their own little idiosyncrasies or problems or disorders, in an apparent effort to let everyone know how special or weird or crazy they are.

I was at the gym today, working out in the 30 minute circuit room, and in the 10-15 minutes that some woman, her friend and I were in the same room, I learned that she's "never" been able to use a shoulder press right because her torso is sooo short, that Arizona is soooo much better than Texas because they don't have Daylight Savings time, that she has to leave her phone in her car when she goes to work, otherwise someone will definitely steal it, she has such a hard time finding jeans because her bodies not shaped like other peoples, and that she's had to go to her masseuse twice this week because her neck is in so much more pain than normal. You're annoyed just reading it, aren't you? Keep in mind, she wasn't unusually proportioned or oddly shaped in some obvious way. Add to that the high pitched, loud, self-important tone of voice she had, and I was about ready to knock her out. Except that would have just given her one more "story" to tell the next million people she met.

Why does everyone now seem to constantly have to have something wrong with them that they can talk about? Nobody cares that your pinky toe is a millimeter longer than most peoples, thus forcing you to wear special shoes. Nobody cares that you have 20/5 vision. Nobody cares that you have to have to buy tailor made underwear because your ass is so wide. Nobody cares that you're allergic to every substance on the planet.

Unless someone asks about your "freakishly long" pinky toe, or your spidey sense, or why you sneeze every time you look at a peanut, please for the luvapete keep it to yourself! Or better yet...come to terms with the fact that you're not that different from everyone else.

So there.
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