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Old 09-30-2012, 11:55 AM   #12304 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Lake Mungo (2008)

This is the third time I've watched this little Australian psychological horror mockumentary movie that is very unlike any other horror movie I've seen. Because of the style of the movie, a mockumentary rather than found-footage, there's really only one scary card they can do, and that's closeups on ghastly images in the background of photos as disquieting music plays in the background. However, considering this is a documentary style film, you already know the scary moment has passed so it gets old pretty quickly. But again, this isn't your typical horror movie, it's more of a movie about grief and how people handle hard situations. There are some paranormal elements thrown in towards the end to give it a little mystery, but it's pretty obvious that the ghastly conjurations were the result of either video/ picture tampering, or scientific explainable phenomenon. A lot of people would be quick to dismiss this film because it's not really that scary, but there's one thing it does really well and that's leave you emotionally drained when the movie is over. The family is very relateable and act like a normal family so it's very easy to empathize/ sympathize with them, and with that emotional connection you really do get sucked into their grief.

Not a perfect movie, but if you're a longtime horror fan who wants something that stays true to the emotional side of the genre, then this is definitely the film for you.
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