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Old 11-06-2012, 03:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 4
Default How do I connect musical instruments with my voice when making a song

Don't know if I posted this in the right forum, but I hope someone can answer

How do I connect musical instruments with my voice when making a song

That is my main question.

But let me tell you guys a bit about myself. I am a newly graduated engineer with a in civ.eng who has a lot of passion for music and singing! But i don't have any music education whatsoever, I have never even used any instruments except for my voice and my frame drum.

I am quite a beginner when it comes to frame drums, but I bought one just to begin somewhere.
I have been singing and recording my voice on kareokes and without music for about 8 years,

I have a trained voice( not a fully trained, if thats even possible?), I have been doing singing success(those audio cds by brett) for a couple of years. I have increased tone quality, vocal range , and I know how to do vibrato, and a few styles.

but I don't know any thing about music!

strange huh? might have been the small city i live in, which have caused that, or that I don't know anyone who is a musician who I can ask.

I know how to sing without music (except for kareoke songs that I have memorized in my head). I feel that my voice is ready, but im kinda stuck, I don't know where to go now.

Now to my questions, (I hope someone finally can answer them for me)

Back to the main question, How do I connect my singing voice with music?, well you guys might have different answers to that like...

- learn music theory
- learn how to play an instrument (Well i am , and I consider my voice as one too)

well I am willing to do all of that, but i need the right study material for that, the right books, dvds about music theory.And I hope you guys can recommend me titiles for that.

but I am specifically looking for a source of information(book,dvd) which will explain the following things:

- How I better can understand how to make a song by connecting my voice and instruments
- Learning how to "hear" when it's the right time to sing in a song (Or the right time to put a vocal into a background of music or vice versa)

lets say, I compose music and drums in a software that its accurate according to the softwares metronome, the music is there, but how do i know how to put my voice in there?

Sorry for my bad english its not my native tongue, I hope some of you guys understood what i am looking for, and can guide me in the right direction.

Best regards // Riazy
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