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Old 11-11-2012, 07:16 AM   #463 (permalink)
The Aerosol in your Soul
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Originally Posted by Forward To Death View Post
suicide isn't a healthy solution to anything, but that has nothing to do with your sanity.
Having a mental illness doesn't necessarily mean you're insane. Psychology isn't an exact science, so it isn't credible narrowing it down to just sanity.

Your coping mechanisms being overwhelmed by stress has nothing to do with mental illness, mental illness means that you have a legitimate psychological issue that needs attention. Both overwhelming stress and mental illness can play into suicide, and people kill themselves all the time without warning.
I'm talking about cases where sufferers can't cope with mental distress. Stress here prolonged very well becoming a pattern is a sign of mental illness. Especially if you don't understand how to cope with it or have anything to use, it becomes worse and very well can lead into dangerous and reckless situations without the ability to think clearly. Stress is unhealthy for the brain, that's my point.

You're also failing to acknowledge drug use as a factor. I know it can be, whether you're high on opiates and think it'd be fun to die, or because your anti-depressants do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Granted, that is an altered state of mind, but not necessarily a mentally ill state of mind.
Fair enough. Anything can happen when you're on drugs considering mental intoxication where being rational becomes further and further out of the picture. But really I thought that was obvious enough tbh and I think that's a whole different subject being an outside influence.

And again, I don't think you get how twisted and delusional some people get.
I don't see how that rules out mental illness? Delusions are caused by an excess of dopamines in the brain.

You can commit suicide because you're afraid of a reaction, shame or just knowing you'll be living in prison for 70 years. It doesn't even have to be brought out by insanity, but do you see how your argument works against itself?
That still doesn't rule it out. You're not considering the possibility of depression and anxiety behind it. Again, mental illnesses aren't necessarily about insanity.

You're saying you have to be mentally ill if you committ suicide, and then you're saying that doing it to be a coward is too irrational.
I'm not following you here. I was pointing out that it's a lot more complicated than simply using cowardice reasonably to justify suicide.

I'm approaching psychology in a broader scope and it seems like there maybe a misunderstanding by narrowing it way too down.

Last edited by Rjinn; 11-11-2012 at 07:53 AM.
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