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Old 11-20-2012, 06:19 AM   #469 (permalink)
Boozy Lad
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Newport, South Wales
Posts: 482

Generally speaking I do think there are elements of selfishness in suicide. At the end of the day though I have no real issue with euthanasia so I guess I think of it as situational.

Sounds a bit morbid, but I was always kind of fascinated about the suicides in Bridgend which is a town in South Wales fairly close to me and the way in which the media jumped on it. I think there were some 25 suicides over two years and all but 1 hung themselves. It led to a media frenzy and after the first few deaths the country became quite obsessed with the "Broken Britain" ex mining town, high unemployment, poor education system theme, most of which was untrue, but it was during the media scrutiny that more people killed themselves. Some of those that killed themselves actually had pretty long histories of mental conditions and self harm attempts, which the local health authorities admitted they couldn't deal with and so sort of "left them to it" as they were deemed a drain on resources.

Now, labelling people like that as cowards is wrong imo.
Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
That's your opinion but you are wrong.
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