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Old 11-27-2012, 04:03 PM   #599 (permalink)
Forward To Death
Trolier Than Thou
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
This methodology is something you use to build an understanding of the world piece by piece. You build it with big, fat bricks and a strong foundation - well tested "truths". Otherwise you end up with a house of cards where the whole thing can come crashing down because the assumptions making up the fundament where based on faulty theory or flimsy thought and so everything based on them likewise.

It doesn't mean that you can't think big, interesting thoughts. It doesn't mean you can't be innovative or revolutionary. Scientists achieve tremendous things every day. It just means that you should be critical.

I'm for open minds. I just think people should be careful not to fill them with lies.
Yeah, and I've yet to see solid proof of deities. Although, this is why religion is often referred to as faith. It's just as hard to disprove as it is to prove, and that's what's so tricky about any religious topic; all you can really do is speculate.

My parents are very religious (even if it is a faux religious complex) and when they get drunk they try to antagonize me into arguing with them, and I can't really say I've heard any other take on religion. It always seems lime it's backed with "how did the planets get here" and "why do we exist", and it always seems to end with me being accused of being a heathen. I'm not saying those are the only types of religious people, or that there aren't better arguments, but that's what it always comes down to when you're discussing religion.

Why isn't gay marriage universally accepted yet? It's such a primitive ideology.

Last edited by Forward To Death; 11-27-2012 at 04:20 PM.
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