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Old 12-03-2012, 12:59 PM   #695 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: illinois
Posts: 142

So you are saying the only people that can understand Jesus's message is people who physically met him? Well you can believe what you want, Jesus's message was love and you can't have love without forgiveness. And there is no judgement in love.
And as you stated Jesus's disciples said send her away, although he himself didn't,could that be why Paul had little contact with his disciples. Paul even rebukes peter infront of many people. Cause even some of his disciples didn't get it.
Jesus didn't even condemn the prostitute, Jesus hung out with drunks and hookers, all of the people the world judged and loved them anyway.
If you think you have come up with a new idea or philosophy you are mistaken, Jesus said "he who has not sinned cast the first stone" which is saying no one has the right to judge or condemn anyone cause we have all made mistakes, like it says in the scripture " no one is above sin, no not one" so I'm sorry the religion that you want to start is what Jesus's message really was, I don't understand why you would argue with me about it, I'm sorry but you have not come up with something new.
Did Jesus not tell his followers to preach to all of the nation's of the earth? So tell me how Christianity is only for people of one region? Forgiveness and love is for everyone. That was his message.
Quoting scriptures doesn't make you wise, understanding the message does.
Don't try to pawn someone else's message off as your own, and that message is what we were born with and thru worldly teachings we lost it in translation.
There are so many more scriptures about Jesus than is in the bible, have you studied the dead sea scrolls or the nag hamundi library? (not sure if I spelled that correctly, but google it and you find it) if you do you will get a clearer picture of Jesus's message, and it is what you were saying in your first post, jeez, I don't know why you would argue? I was confirming your philosophy, and you are now irritated because it is nothing new. Your ego has you blinded.
What you read in the bible about Jesus doesn't even scratch the surface of what was written about him, so why not read it all before jumping to any conclusions about him.
You aren't even tolerant of people who agree with you, so you might want to hold off on starting a religion.
And if you will look at the old testiment God changed Jacobs name to Israel which means "God's chosen" which has nothing to do with where you are born.

Last edited by seekn4; 12-03-2012 at 01:59 PM.
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