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Old 10-19-2005, 09:29 AM   #44 (permalink)
They call me Tundra Boy
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Here's some good facts I've got too. If these repeat any that were previously mentioned then DEAL WITH IT.

1. In the UK, cannabis was recently reclassified from 'Class B' to 'Class C', which puts it alongside valium, anabolic steroids, temazepan etc. in its illegality. What this actually means is that being found in possession or use could lead to 2 years imprisonment and that supplying or intending to supply could lead to 14 years. One of the arguments (as I recall) that was given for this reclassification was that cannabis users themselves cause the police very little trouble as a result of cannabis use, so it was felt that by not putting them in the same criminal bracket as users of speed, barbiturates, cocaine and heroin the perceived link between use of these drugs would somehow be lessened. I think the idea was that so many people in the UK have used cannabis that it would in a sense be labelling a majority of the population as criminals.

2. Cannabis smoke is considerably more carcinogenic (cancer-causing) than tobacco smoke. This is partly because it burns at a higher temperature, although there are doubtless a number of other reasons for this!

3. Cannabis use has been closely linked to the development of different psychological problems, especially schizophrenia.

4. I once got the munchies so badly that I started to shake with munching-desire when I stopped eating and could only stop the shaking by eating again.

5. Some people smoke lots of weed, lose their marbles and become extremely fat and pointless. Yuri Geller and Cliff Richard have probably never smoked weed in their life and are both extremely irritating and detestable. In the end, you have to choose between the two evils. Actually, no, drink lots of beer, sometimes tequila and save the weed for special occasions.
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