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Old 12-04-2012, 11:41 PM   #38 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Kelli View Post
I rarely watch TV as most of the shows I like have either been cancelled or already ended within the past few years. My friends have tried getting me into various shows like the Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, and Breaking Bad, all of which are actually really good, but I'm the kind of person who will turn on the tv when I feel like it, and keeping up with tv series can get annoying if you miss an episode here and there. So yeah, I rarely watch tv. If I happen to be chilling by myself I'd be more entertained by blasting some good music or something.

On the other hand, I've worked at a movie theater for almost two years now and can get free passes for my friends and I to see every new movie that comes out for free (as long as it isn't sold out). That being said...I watch a heck of a lot of movies. Not just new ones though. I like old films, classic films, etc. And upcoming films can be exciting, especially the big releases with lots of hype. Having to work on those weekends is another thing entirely though, haha.

I guess overall I like movies more because I can see them as a solid work of something - like an album or piece of artwork rather than a TV series spanning a long length of time with various ups downs and inconsistencies. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of classic tv shows I love, but for me comparing these two mediums doesn't really seem logical because they are so unalike and meant to be experienced in different ways. That being said, I think it's just a personal preference.

But being able to capture and convey great meaning through the length of one film can be something brilliant in itself. I know tv series make great social commentaries and reflect the vibe of the time they were made in too, but for me, watching a great episode of something doesn't compare to the impact the ending of a truly great movie can have on you. I know lots of people really get into tv shows and characters and whatnot, but whenever I've done that, once the series ends it just kinda feels...over. Great movies - whether they're drama, action, comedy, whatever - always seem to stick around.
Yeah the comparison is being made only on personal preference

Part of television's weakness is that it requires a certain number of viewers to stay on the air obviously, so writers basically throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks, and shift tv shows to appeal to popularity. In the end what you get is a less cohesive vision than film, but I guess that's the nature of a long drawn out form of media like tv shows.
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