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Old 12-05-2012, 10:46 AM   #39 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I have to agree with Exoskeletal regarding Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a great christmasy flick! Like Jans, I also like Scrooged and, while on the subject of Bill Murray, I could throw in Groundhog Day. Of course I know Groundhog Day is not Christmas day, but there's winter going on in it and we don't have anything like a groundhog day so it might as well be in December for all we know.

In Norway, the ultimate nostalgic christmas movie is this old czech movie called Three Wishes for Cinderella.

The government owned TV channel NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) have been showing it every christmas day since 1975 so, even though we don't watch a lot of czech movies, this is a classic here. I guess it was a cheap buy or something. As you can probably guess, it's another take on the Cinderella story.

For similar reasons, the Russian movie Ma-ma, sometimes referred to as Rock 'N Roll Wolf, is also a classic here. It's a musical in which there's a community of animals with good guys and bad guys. The bad guys led by a wolf wants to eat the lamb children of miss sheep. In the end, it's winter time and they skate around on the ice and stuff.

The musical is most famous for this song here :

You can even watch it in theatres on stage here as it's still very much alive and appreciated, but I sometimes wonder if anyone else out there have ever heard of it.

I realize that, based on this post, Norway must really seem like an old Soviet state.
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