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Old 12-09-2012, 11:48 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Take the video in my last post for example. How many people would have that on their iPod next to some Wu Tang clan and Oscar Peterson? Probably not many and I think its what makes people's taste in music boring and terrible to talk to them about.
I would. I don't own any Maurice Chevalier but I do have some Bix and Tram on my MP3 player along with the Wu. I don't have a whole lot of symphonic vocal music from back then, mostly instrumental, but I do like it on occasion (see video below). I "discovered" the stuff from back when I relentlessly searched for music in record stores. Once I got into Jazz, I eventually wanted more and more so I had to keep working my way back in time. This is when I discovered Delta Blues from that time too (although I hate most electric blues) and I've always got Charley Patton and Tommy Johnson rotating.
Also, I used to work at a cafe bakery where we had a stereo and so I was often in the kitchen alone at 5am looking for something to listen to - and when I got bored of everything that people had brought in, I started searching radio stations and found an AM station that played all the hits from the 1920s -1940s. Most of the other kitchen staff eventually came around to liking that station too.

Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
I wonder then, how is it that people find new music? Since I brought up the video above, I'll tell you that I found it digging through a Facebook group about what Boston used to be like. In one photo of a particularly unseemly woman who used to be an elected member of City Counsel, someone had posted that video (given that its her name) and made some humorous comment about it. My question now is, do other people not trip over music like this, or what they do, do they just ignore it?

I'd love to hear back from people on this one but I'm pretty sure I have a better chance of riding a dolphin to work tomorrow, so lets just go with me speculating. Maybe people don't think of it as music, or if they do, maybe its music of a by-gone era, a relic, and it has no worth to them. Like a used up glowstick found on a street after the parade, this once had a purpose, but we've moved beyond.

As I said, I'd love to hear from people how they find new music (if its interesting, if you post boring **** I will haze you), and hopefully what you consider "range" in your music.
RE finding new music: This may bore you but...
Perusing youtube and music blogs has become the equivalent of my relentless record store searches of the olden days. I also often resort to browsing all of my own old CDs and records. I'll sometimes spend 20 or 30 minutes searching through it for something that I haven't listened to in 10 or 15 or even 20 years, and when I find something, it's sorta like finding new music.

One final note on by-gone relics, I think that the Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas video game soundtracks (the radio stations in the games) exposed kids to music from the 1930s - 50s that they hadn't heard or thought about before.. so that's pretty cool.
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