Music Banter - View Single Post - In Flames vs Motorhead
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Old 10-20-2005, 11:15 AM   #12 (permalink)
one_more_atrocity's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
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yeh ok then. have you actually listened to in flames?? if you actually looked on my poll its actually quite close. fair enough motorhead are leading but thats just that more people have heard of them and havent heard of in flames cus if they did they would see the difference that motorhead are over the hill. and god do you always have to put an add for your own threads on everything you say?? and i couldnt care less if you disagree with me, in fact i like hearing other peoples thoughts but dont take the piss out of my threads. one_more_atrocity
.::: I'd redecorate the walls with your inner thoughts, but im afraid it's the wrong shade of red :::.
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