Music Banter - View Single Post - Children killed in Connecticut school shooting (likely 27 dead,including 18 children)
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Old 12-22-2012, 01:01 AM   #277 (permalink)
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i might get a lot of flak for this, and come off as a conspiracy theorist, but i've said it before and i'll say it again: it takes a lot of time and thought to take over the world.

i think it's highly probable that these massacres are the result of MK Ultra. for those of you have never heard of it, it's a project of the american government based on mind control. it's well-documented.

what does that have to do with taking over the world? well, look what's happening in this thread, aside from the whole divide and conquer thing. it's illuminating a dichotomy in the collective consciousness. one that likely won't ever be resolved. we're always going to have people that are pro-gun, whether it be for personal defence, or for hunting or target practice or whatever. and then we're always going to have people who think that gun availability is a problem because there are sick people in the world. i personally don't think that all the people involved in these crimes are sick. i think they were manipulated by people who have done extensive research into the controlling of the human mind, and that they were directed beyond the force of their own wills to do these things so an exclusive group can begin implementing laws concerning thought crime. and that's hella dangerous. couple that with NDAA and you've got indefinite detention for anything they decide is crazy... and crazy can be the name given to anyone who goes against what society thinks of as normal.

i may have said "i believe" in there, but i shouldn't have. i just think it's likely that there's more to what's going on here than meets the eye.
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