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Old 12-24-2012, 01:36 PM   #9 (permalink)
Blue Pill Oww
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
No, it doesn't mean there is a version of you in the second dimension. That dimension is (theoretically) inhabited by strictly 2 dimensional beings. Work your way up in the dimensions and (also theoretically) the beings there would exponentially increase in complexity and intelligence. Our minds are tuned to think in 3 dimensions, so adding an exponential amount of new potential directions to go would require that much more intelligence. What is possible, though, is that different versions of you exist in the stacked 3d dimensional worlds perceived by the 4d beings (as mentioned in the videos a 2d world is composed of an infinite amount of stacked 1d lines while the 3d world is composed of an infinite amount of stacked 2d planes). Again, there is no way to even have a clue if that is the truth of it...this is all theoretical. The only thing we can really say with any amount of certainty is that there really are additional dimensions. Everything else is purely theoretical, and it's really anyone's guess.

As for you interacting with the 2d do it all the time. However, we are tuned to perceive the 3d world and our brains filter information considered extraneous. It wouldn't be a stretch to consider interacting with comparatively simple 2d beings an extraneous activity, so your brain most likely filters any interactions you have with them (if 2d beings exist at all). I would also assume the same goes for 4d beings interacting with them, we are incredibly simple creatures going about our business and they probably don't even perceive that we are there.

What do you mean about coming from one source? I don't think I mentioned that. This is a very confusing topic and a very difficult one to explain (I think Carl Sagan did it best...that guy is the man). I hope I got across what I was trying to explain, but just in case I'll try to use another analogy.

Imagine your car can only drive on one 2 way street going east and west. There are other cars also stuck on this 2 way street. You see them all the time because they are stuck there with you. However, another street going north and south also exists, only you can't go there. The cars on that street, however, can drive on your street just fine. So, you can see them when they drive on your street, but since they have a whole other street to drive on, you don't see them all the time. Now add another LEVEL of a parking garage. The same rules apply..the cars on the second level can drive on your street, but you can't get to the second level. However, since they now have EVEN MORE streets to drive on than even the north south guys, the chances that they will be on your street get EVEN LOWER.

That's basically an incredibly simplistic way of trying to think about why we don't see 4d beings floating around's just that the chance they pop up in our particular plane of existence is very low only because they have so many other planes to move around on.

Please ask more questions, too...I really love talking about this kind of stuff.
I have loads more questions.

Okay so, these four dimensional beings, and fifth and so on...What about if some of the explainable things that happen in our world, the things we think are supernatural, are actual just accidental interactions with them, or deliberate. Imagine a fourth dimensional being trying to freak one of us out, considering it had some kind of sense of humour. Like when people see strange things, like I dunno, what we would call a ghost. like for instance, I saw some strange **** when I was four years old, an old woman in a veil outside my back door at night, and she was glowing. Or my sister getting pushed forward violently by something hitting her in the shoulder, despite the fact nothing or no one was behind her. That kinda ****.

Now we are getting into psychedelic territory. ^^

The experiences that people have on acid and mushroom trips, could these possibly be interactions with higher beings in higher dimensions? What are your opinions?

Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
God I love Carl Sagan. This is fascinating stuff, I know what I'll be doing with the rest of my afternoon.

If you have smoke I strongly recommend watching them all straight through blazed.
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