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Old 12-27-2012, 11:33 PM   #12684 (permalink)
not really
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Originally Posted by Thom Yorke View Post

Pretty much a routine Tarantino movie, just a little bit underwhelming when comparing it to his previous efforts. There didn't seem to be quite as much classic dialogue this time around, which is the main reason I love Tarantino's movies. Still, there were some classic lines, including one scene that may be my favourite scene he's ever done as far as funny dialogue goes:

Spoiler for small spoiler:
The KKK scene where they're arguing over whether to wear the hoods or not due to visibility issues had me laughing like crazy.

Great acting though. Foxx was fine as the lead, but Waltz and DiCaprio were great as expected. Waltz was pretty much the same character he was in Inglorious Basterds (albeit with far different intentions), but he's so damn good at that role that you pretty much have to use him in that way.

My main complaint was that it was WAY too long. It still managed to be entertaining the whole way through, but in a weird way it just got to be too much and dragged on far too long. This movie also contained one of the worst cameos I've seen with Tarantino making his usual appearance. It is absolutely cringe-worthy. I almost think it could have been the point of it to be cringe-worthy, but my god, was it ever brutal.

My main issue with the film is the scene with tarantino in it. It adds absolutely nothing, actually confounds the story a little bit (django isn't killed but sold for some reason, and then runs right back to previous enviornment). It was an extra 20 minutes the film did not need.

The idea of a league of slave fighters was a little bit suspect.

Samuel L Jacksons character was nuts. The way the film lingers on grey areas is cool, no good or bad guys in the film. The film had an overall uncomfortable-ness that was great, a lot of scenes rivaled that of the torture one of reservoir dogs.
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