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Old 12-29-2012, 11:32 AM   #429 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
As opposed to the seemingly constant wars that European nations have been engaged in in the last few hundred (or thousand) years? As opposed to the two bloodiest wars in human history that were started by Europeans, not to mention the Seven Years War? It seems that the Europeans have thought nothing of putting the entire world at war for the sake of imperialism in the past. If we're engaged in a few more wars in the past half century, it's just because we've been the world police while Europe has been playing second fiddle. I'm not saying that the US is any better, but pretty much all of the human race is a violent, brutish lot.
As you say these European wars have been fought over a very long time period, in the USA these wars have been fought over just a 230 year time period in a relatively new nation. Just think of it as the difference between how a child and an adult would deal with adversity and trauma in life.

WWI was based around imperialism, but WWII was just about a dictator who had been given too much slack and then it was too late to stop him. Western Europe finally matured after WWII with the forming of the EEC in the 1950s and since then Western Europe has been war free an amazing feat considering its history. Whilst the USA at this time, had developed an unhealthy fear of communism and then became involved in two bloody conflicts connected to this, whilst trying to be 'the worlds's policeman' and performing a balancing act in the Cold War, which at anytime could've evolved into another world war. These historical events, usually create a mindset within the society that is involved.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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