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Old 01-01-2013, 07:50 PM   #90 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
The idea that we all become stardust from whence we came, that the particles that composed us at one point can go on to form new life, or stars, or join any other celestial body in the Universe. IN this sense, we never really are gone, even if the collection of matter that came together to form us will never be configured the same way again.

I prefer this outcome to one of a vengeful God who will send someone like Jeffrey Dahmer to heaven for kissing his ass in the last month of his life, while I go through life trying to be a good person and living by a code that I find morally decent (one that doesn't embrace many of God's barbaric (imo) teachings) and will end up in hell.

What do you guys think? Religious and non-religious people alike.
To be blatantly honest, atheism is the main trigger of my depression. I experienced happiness being brought up to believe in god and euphoria when I discovered buddhist philosophy.

Nevertheless, my agnosticism and atheism in recent years leaves me with a great gap of unfulfilment; an existential crisis that Dawkins and others who think they are liberating people cannot seem to comprehend.

I realise that atheism is currently the most probable universal truth. However, as strange as it is to believe in imaginary friends, I think it is just as strange that we are here for no reason at all.

I don't take any comfort in that as it actually interferes with my morality in that I don't believe the universe is inherently moral. Everything is more determined by events 13.7 billion years ago which I don't know, as opposed to any illusion of free will I may have had in the past that motivated me to live with compassion.

Last edited by ManWithNoName; 01-01-2013 at 07:57 PM.
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