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Old 01-16-2013, 06:30 PM   #12789 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post

Memories of Murder

Keeping on the mood of Korean cinema, I finally got this film in the mail from Netflix (yes I still use the dvd service). I can't explain enough (and I've done it plenty) on how good Korean cinema can be. There just isn't any of that Hollywood bull**** that goes into making films. They don't hold anything back no matter what the subject matter is. You're always in for brutal violence, gut wrenching endings, and just flat out comedic lunacy. The one thing I love though is their sense of style. This film oozes style. It's shot in such a wonderful moody darkness that I can't help but transfix my eyes on. This is a gorgeous film. The beginning started off a bit odd as we're introduced to two pretty horrible police officers but as the film goes on you can tell there is purpose and passion behind their work. The film picks up pace constantly as it starts to reach its climax and it's an intense one. If you're into happy endings, don't watch this movie, or any Korean film for that matter. The journey to that ending though is going to be a great one though. Great film.

I must be one of the few people to have seen the film and not being impressed. Critics, fans and casual observers were all raving about this film but it just didn't grab me at all.

It was better than Taken (which isn't that difficult if you like B movies) and I did find myself trying to guess what the twist was well into an hour of the movie and it wasn't so implausible but when you get the twist you can go back into the film and pick the bones out of it. Bourne meets Taken is probably the best explanation but it was much better than I thought it would be.

The Sweeney was a much regarded TV show over here in the late 70's that was hard hitting and very un PC I guess and this update to modern times explores that clash quite well with a high end cop being out of touch with modern day policing. The first 30 mins is awful with cliched dialogue and scripting but it slowly grows into a half decent crime film but it really could have been a TV special and with a £2 mill budget it does suffer but the money was used well and it certainly looks like it cost far more.

I remember the lead Fred Dyer being involved in a TV series called The Hunter when I was a kid and liking it. He was a cut price Clint Eastwood and renting this and sorta liking it so I went back to this for nostalgic sake and it is pretty bad but somehow I still watched it through and oddly enjoyed even though it is actually ****. The 80's does scramble the mind.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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