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Old 01-30-2013, 10:09 AM   #419 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Alright it came out pretty well, although there are a few things I'd change to this recipe.

Here's what you'll need

1/2 an onion diced up
1 spoonful of diced garlic
1 mushroom diced up
1/2 of a 15 oz jar of Table Crema (don't get the sour cream kind)
2 spoonfuls of sambal (you can add more if it's not spicy enough)
1 chicken breast cut up into cubes
Sun-dried tomatoes

Start by sauteing your onion, garlic, and mushrooms in a 10-12 inch skillet until translucent, then add your chicken and spice that however you want (I used some salt/pepper, garlic salt, and oregano). Cook on medium heat until tender.

In a separate pot, add your crema, sambal, and cheese, and stir until well blended. Mine was a little on the thick side so if you want a thinner sauce, you can add some more crema, water, or milk to help thin it out.

When your chicken has finished cooking, add the sauce to the skillet and turn down to a low and let simmer. Boil some water for your pasta (I used penne), and when it's done, drain it and then add the sauce to the pasta, mix that around, add in a little olive oil, ground pepper, and cheese, and serve
I would certainly add some more crema or milk to make it thin out for pasta. doesn't sound half bad. I usually add a little olive oil when cooking the pasta that way there is no need to add it after. I don't usually like the olive oil mixing with the cheese directly it makes an almost grease like effect, but overall i'm gonna run with this one and see what i come up with. I generally make my hot pasta sauces with el pato and combine an array of ingredients.
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