Music Banter - View Single Post - Do you buy music from a real life store or download it digitally via the internet?
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Old 02-03-2013, 11:12 PM   #30 (permalink)
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If I'm not buying music from a real life store, am I buying it from an imaginary life store?

On second thought I get mine from the Pink Golfball.

Okay, alright, I'm not funny. I usually just download albums and if I really like them then I'll buy a physical copy of it. I'm not a huge fan of downloads though because I used to do that alot in middle school, and then lost everything when I got a new laptop. So having files of music feels temporary to me rather than holding the physical object (be it a record or cd) in my hands. Plus, not going to lie, most downloads I just rip from Youtube, so if I get to really liking a band then I will want to pay for the album and support them. And if I'm doing that, I might as well have a permanent (physical) copy of what I'm paying for. That's my logic, anyways. Plus album art can be really cool and contain things like lyrics, notes, etc. About half of my music collection is vinyl albums my dad collected as a teenager that he gave to me. The other half would be cds I've bought as I've grown up, and some records I've picked up here and there. The latest thing I got was the new My Bloody Valentine album on vinyl, which I'm excited about getting in the mail soon. #winning
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