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Old 02-04-2013, 02:19 PM   #49 (permalink)
gimme gimme
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Yessss...Kelli found it and now I'm here to spam it.

I have so much to respond to on this thread but it's all so old. First I'd just like to clarify that sterotyping the fans as pot-smoking bros or yuppies or khaki-wearing GAP patrons is really, really unfair. There might be (or have been) some at live shows back in the day, and they may still be hanging around (probably not), but the reality is that's only one side of them. The band appeals across generations, continents, demographics, and social strata. And that is one thing that makes them exciting.

As a straightedge kid from a low-income family in the woods of Maine, DMB was the first album I ever bought on CD (Before These Crowded Streets), at the age of 10. And I can also tell you that my earliest and happiest memories are of my single mom rocking out to "what would you say" or occasionally "typical situation" on tape in our car. Sweet times. So it could also be a childhood thing, and that also makes it cool. Three or four of my third grade friends also loved DMB. Maybe we were weirdos. Anyway I was happy.

Another great thing about the band is their kickass drummer, Carter. If you haven't seen him play, you really don't know what you're missing. If you've seen/heard his live drumming skills (or even studio versions), and you still don't get it, I'm not going to argue with you. But I think musicians can appreciate his musicianship. The same goes for the violinist, and the oft-overlooked bassist, who has been with the band since he was like 16 or 17.

Grew up with these guys. I guess when I'm 30 or whatever, this will be my Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones (bands my age and music tastes just inexplicably block me from understanding).

Anyway I mainly wanted to say that the stereotypes are lame about the fans. I don't think that's fair. Every type of music has some ratio of annoying fans. Of course DMB is no exception!!
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