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Old 02-11-2013, 05:35 AM   #255 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Default The Music Journals Weekly Update Post, w/e February 10 2013

Apologies for the late update. Matters of state, don't ya know...

In his eternal magnanimity, the Batlord is doing his best to come down to the level of us mortals and educate us on the, as he would say himself, most bitchin' of metal bands. Go to, all ye who would not be poseurs, and thine eyes shall be opened to the glory that is metal, and the stunning glory that is the Batlord!

We have a new journal, from one of our longstanding and most respected members, who also happens to be a steam locomotive. Yes, Engine has finally taken the plunge and you can read his really interesting work in

Yay! Gavin B is back! He's got the keys out and opened up to show us the delights within once again. This time he's looking at a version of Chris Isaak's "Wicked game" by Heather Nova and also the new album from My Bloody Valentine, which everyone seems to be talking about. Nice to have ya back, GB!

Another to take the plunge is Goofle11, who is highly regarded for his music knowledge and taste. He's doing and it starts with "American radass" by Dads. Check it out.

Mankycaant (back to the old name, eh?) has one of his best and most insightful and passionate pieces of writing yet in regarding what I also believe to be the bane of human society, social networks. You have got to read this!

Powerstars seems to have finally found an album to review after his two-week long plea He's first looking at Dream Theater's "When dream and day unite", as requested by Whiskey. If you have an album you'd like him to review, send him a PM and he'll get back to you.

And so we're back to me. I've been trying to balance out the three journals this week, so no huge updates in any of them but at least one in each. Starting with, there's another tale of someone who's "Crashing solo", another "Album from Hell" and the return, finally, of the "200 word album review." In there's just the one, but it's a belter, from Dante Fox. While in, finally, there's the fourth part of season one of Babylon 5, which I mentioned last week was on the way but not approved, also another episode from season one of Red Dwarf, and an introduction to one of three new series I'll be doing over the coming week, Spooks.

Unknown Soldier tells me he was in the same boat as me last week, ie had an article posted but not approved, so this week in we find albums from Free, Alice Cooper and Blue Oyster Cult, as he moves further into 1973.

Finally, there are more albums in, including ones from Overkill, Symphony X and Linkin Park. I note his account is disabled now, so I don't know if that means he's banned, in which case I would expect nothing more in this journal, unless the ban is temporary? Nevertheless, until I know for sure I'll keep checking his journal and note any new entries, should they appear.

That's it for this week. A special shoutout to Black Francis, who is uneasy about starting his own journal: let me just say that once you do, you'll never look back. It's a lot of fun and gives you a real chance to talk about the music that matters to you, so think about it. No-one's going to laugh at you, I promise...

So this past week we've had quite a lot of movement in the journals, with a few new neighbours moving in. Nice to see some very interesting journals starting up too. Keep it up guys! We need your thoughts, ideas and music!

Till next Sunday then.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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