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Old 02-18-2013, 03:49 PM   #10 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: So-Cal
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Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
Man **** Bobby Flay. You want a bisque recipe? Here you go:

Get a pot of salted water to a rolling boil. The water should taste like the ocean, to give you an idea of how much salt to add. Drop them in and wait for it to come back up to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. After they're bright red and looking done, roughly 13 minutes for a 2 lb. lobster, take them out and shock them in an icebath immediately. Otherwise they'll get dried out and tough. Crack the shells and clean the meat, set aside for later. Take those shells, slather them with tomato paste and roast them until they are browned, then make a stock out of them. Use the roe and tomalley in the stock as well. Sweat mirepoix, parsley, fennel, leek, so no color (browning). The stock should take about 2 hours depending on how much lobster you have. Make sure it is at a slow bubble, and never boils. Strain the stock and reduce it by half, then add in aromatics (saffron, thyme, tarragon) while at a simmer. Slowly add cream, sherry, cognac, and red wine vinegar while whisking, it's important to emulsify the fats and liquids in the bisque or it will break. If you see a red liquid seeping out of the bisque then you know it's broken, but all you need to do is blend it back. I'd suggest blending it all and passing it through a sieve to give it a good texture. Adjust with salt/pepper and re-add previously cleaned lobster meat. Then go to town on that ****.
Anticipation is my new go to guy with recipes, it came out good enough that even I could stomach it and I hate Bisque soup. I didn't have any cognac to add, but I'm usually not huge on adding alcohol unless its beer battered something o rather. Good looking out mang.
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