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Old 02-24-2013, 03:19 AM   #81 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
The fact that this thread just keeps going and going and going is more telling than anybody's answers. Why is it so interesting? Who cares if the hit is a man, woman, or child? Why do people condone murder? Why do people not condone murder? Why do some people base their opinion of murder on personal financial gain or moral righteousness? Why does that Twilight Zone episode promote Hindu Karma and why does anybody relate to that concept?

Obviously there are too many unanswerable questions hidden in the original one, and also it is obvious that nobody's answer actually says anything other than what they like to believe about themselves. And individual beliefs about morality don't make any difference until they are acted on. Even then, those actions are all just tiny footnotes in the story of humanity. Let's let the timeless wisdom of Boy George end all of this nonsense:

I just don't understand how people automatically assume that killing another person is automatically a matter of morality rather than a matter of necessity.
But I guess if you think victims of violent crime should possess the capacity to maim their attacker by expertly taking him out in non-lethal ways as to preserve the life of their attacker over their own, then I guess it's the victim's fault that they usually can't...

Just saying... not every situation is "Will I murder this guy? Yes or no."

(Obviously, I'm straying from the original post with this... I don't think killing someone for money is acceptable at all)
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