Music Banter - View Single Post - Scenario: You are offerend $50,000,000 to kill a man.
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Old 02-25-2013, 09:01 AM   #117 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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I do find it amusing, a little insulting that some people here seem to think it's unbelievable that anyone would NOT contemplate murder for gain. I mean, what's so hard to understand? Are you guys saying that if someone gave you a gun, brought you to a baby in its pram and said shoot this kid dead and I'll pay you fifty million that you would? Is there no line you would not cross? Have you no morals?

And if you don't, then why do you assume I don't?

You couldn't pay me enough to kill another human being.

Now, my father, that's another question: but then he's not what I'd categorise as a human being. I'd do him for half a curly-wurly and a packet of love hearts!
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