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Old 02-25-2013, 03:05 PM   #119 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
It's not about morality. We all know that it's morally wrong to kill someone for money. That's so obvious that it's not even worth mentioning. The question at hand is whether you think that the morality that is tested by opening the door for little old ladies or not cheating on a test is sufficient to cover this kind of situation. Obviously you have had your morality tested in ways that mine never have, but the question still remains. If you were in this position, just think of how you could help your sister. You could hire nurses. The finest medical care would be at your disposal. Not to overstep my bounds, but I'm sure that when the time came that these thoughts would go through your head and right and wrong might just become blurred.
Um, no it wouldn't. If it did I'd consider robbing a bank or mugging someone or insurance fraud. Boring as it may seem, I'm from the school of thought that believe you reap what you sow, and so if I got rich by virtue of an immoral, to say nothing of illegal act, I'd never be able to enjoy it and I'd feel like I was lying to my sister, who would surely ask where all this money had come from? I'd be expecting bad things to happen, even if they didn't. Anyway, I always try to put myself in the other guy's shoes, and I would certainly not want anyone taking money to kill me, or my sister, people they don't even know. Do unto others (then split) as they say... And no, I'm not in the least religious. I just think you should treat people as you would like to be treated.

Smaller, less momentous dilemma: you find a wallet/purse in the street. There are identification details in it and rather a lot of money. Do you hand it in or do you keep it? Or, third choice, do you try to contact the person directly? And if the third choice, do you do so a) because you don't trust the cops or b) you hope to get a reward?

It IS all about morality. The figure you're offered can be large as you want, or even something totally out there, like say Satan appeared and offered me the chance to have my sister cured completely, if I kill one person. Who am I to put that sort of moral responsibility on her, and how would she react if she knew how her newly repaired health had been boughtt?

You need to know there's a line, and you don't step over it no matter what. Murder is where I draw the line. Well, further back really: I wouldn't even injure someone or rob from them. I'm pretty law-abiding really.
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