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Old 02-28-2013, 11:16 AM   #44 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Tuna, you are the perfect example of someone who hasn't thought deeply enough about science and the laws of the universe. One of the key arguments religious people make is that by knowing so much about how everything works, it kills the mystery and there can be no joy in life. I've been a student of science for almost 10 years now and all I can say is it has only ENHANCED the mystery of life. The more we learn for sure the more we realize we DON'T know. Can human action be boiled down to the simplistic elements you are talking about? Sure. But that doesn't mean there is still a bigger picture that we have barely yet to perceive.

I'm highly of the opinion that the purpose of life is to keep learning. Once you stop learning new things, you stagnate and you become one of those sad mindless robot-people. Your actions and choices can all be boiled down to human nature but the point is to LEARN from those choices and actions. You are born without limbs? You have different lessons to learn than those who do. But someone who has limbs may have a completely different outlook on life and find their existence just as hard. Pain and suffering is relative. Even if you are still of the view that we live in a selfish world, you can surely still agree that we should do what we can to ensure the survival of the human race? After all, that's the most basic instinct ingrained in any living organism: survival. And altruism and empathy help ensure our survival.

And now I get to use - once again - my favorite quote of all time. This comes from the man Carl Sagan: "We are all made of star stuff and we are a way for the Cosmos to know itself."

So keep learning. And always remember there is way more to life than you can possibly comprehend. Thinking you can boil all our actions down to such base impulses is pure arrogance.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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