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Old 02-28-2013, 11:57 PM   #4884 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Secede View Post
I did coke in my dreams, and I'm curious if the high I got is anything like it actually is.

It was a big bag of coke, and the guy who it belonged to told me to do some. I denied but still stuck my face in it and got an amount I imagine would be enough to overdose. First thing that happened was a strong sensation crawling up my spine, very strong, from the bottom, to the top So overwhelming it made me arch my back, and when the feeling sunk in I stood upright again and was aware and awake. Kind of curious cause it felt so damn real.
Na, not to my memory anyway. I'll try my best to describe it.

Coke to me is the perfect social drug. When I've done it I love the sound of my own voice and will just talk people's ears off. You get a kind of euphoric, content feeling. Imagine you've just had a really good shower, put clean pyjamas on and new socks (thick, woolly ones) then are lying on top of your bed, that content feeling you get where everything is just fine, combine that with mild excitement (say you've just finished school or work early and are going home to something good, that sort of free, excited feeling) and more energy and that's sort of how I'd describe cocaine. That feeling goes fast though, within about 20-25 mins and you want to keep chasing the buzz. When you're buzzing, the feeling in your nose and the numbness feels orgasmic, as do your gums if you've gummed a bit. You keep sniffling so you can feel the bitterness go down the back of your throat and then that becomes numb too. It's an addictive, bitter taste.

If you don't have any more cocaine left it's a nightmare. Wouldn't recommend anyone doing it unless you've got a fair amount otherwise you won't enjoy it. Prefer speed to coke tbh, similar effects for me but more energy on speed and I can enjoy beer better plus you don't get the cravings after 20 minutes or so.

Not done either in a long, long time though.
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