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Old 03-01-2013, 04:48 AM   #9 (permalink)
IsotopeBill's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Homerton
Posts: 20

I don't know if Logic or Reason are programs you'd be interested in investing in but they can help you make chiptunes and a lot more on top of that if you want to take it to other places.

There's some design involved in it though, especially with Logic, use the ES P synth and turn the freq. all the way up, the res. all the way down and make sure things like chorus are off or all the way down. Attack and release should also be down but adjust them for different feels and of course play around with decay and sustain.
Then play around with the waveforms on the left. Add some noise to it too with the noise slider because the sound will be a bit too clean. Consider putting some distortion on it too because that will dirty it up a lot more. Some chiptune synths have some vibrato or tremolo on them too so apply as necessary!

Like I say, you might not be wanting to invest in Logic or Reason but in case that ever became an option! It takes work to make it sound very authentic to the old kind of 8-bit tunes that you find in the old games we know and love but you can think of it as being the same, just a bit matured. I know of a guy who's made a chiptune remix of a Mozart song with fairly clean sounding 8-bit synths but it sounds alright, you get the gist of what it's doing.
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