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Old 03-02-2013, 08:35 AM   #27 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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I was one of the kids that came out old. According to my mom, I barely cried at night, wanted to dress myself as soon as I had the motor coordination, and learned to tie my shoes all on my own. I'm the oldest in my family and I was apparently such an easy going and mature kid that she was completely caught off guard when my brother was born, who was basically the opposite of me.

As for how I saw myself...I always wanted to be taken seriously. I couldn't wait to be considered one of the adults. I wanted to read harder books, watch more mature movies, and have deep conversations. In my head, I could hang out with the best of them but my kid-like body was preventing them from listening to me. In fact, when I was in elementary school I wrote an action book about a post apocalyptic future where the world was flooded and there was no land left and everyone had to fight on jet skis. I was convinced it was good enough to publish so I was confused when my mom wouldn't send it in to an editor. You can imagine how pissed I was when Waterworld came out.

Honestly, I haven't changed much as far as all that goes. I'm less uptight and try to stay calm and handle stressful situations well. I still like to hang out with the people that are at the next level and not my peers. For example, I liked hanging out with Seniors when I was a Freshman in high school. In college I was always hanging out with people who were just about to graduate. Now that I'm in grad school, it's the same thing. I'm a Masters student who hang out with a bunch of people who are about to graduate and get their PhDs. My girlfriend is a postdoc. I'm an old soul.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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