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Old 03-04-2013, 01:32 PM   #89 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Yeah, personally I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror, man. You're so broken up about how YOU feel after the act, but you haven't considered, so far as I can see from any of your posts, how the T-girl feels. She obviously has a thing for you and yet you refuse to answer her texts or calls? She probably would understand if you told her you couldn't really handle it and you shouldn't see each other, but you won't do that. I have to be honest, your attitude disgusts me. It's all "poor me, what have I done?" without a single thought for the girl.

Why don't you just grow a pair and ring or text her, explaining how you feel, instead of avoiding her and putting her through all this? And let's not be stupid here: you can't claim she didn't tell you beforehand because from your own post you say she tried to talk to you about it, but you decided **** it and dived in, as you say. YOU made the decision to go ahead, so there's nobody else to blame and it sickens me that you're now whining about it like some stupid kid.

No-one forced you to screw her, oh and by the way how DARE you compare yourself to a rape victim? There's absolutely no comparison! Did someone hold a knife at your throat, or punch you in the face?

Sorry to the rest of you guys if this comes across as too angry but Christ I'm fuming at this attitude!!!

Man up, dude, as they say over in the US: you did the deed, now face the aftermath. Call the girl, explain your feelings or lack of them, or if not stop whining about it here. Life's not full of easy choices; sometimes you have to do things you may not want to.

Okay okay I'm going... angry mutter...
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