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Old 03-04-2013, 06:34 PM   #2128 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 304

Ha I just saw this thread so I guess I'll post something...

I've been a member on this forum for about four or five months now. I posted a lot at first and got to recognize the usernames of moderators and well-known members, and got an overall sense of how this forum operates. I'm probably younger than most people on here but I joined to learn more about music and you guys have introduced me to a lot of cool bands/artists/genres I hadn't known before and most people here were nice to me. I haven't posted much recently because I've been busy with school and real life, but I still pop in every now and then and read album reviews, etc. A lot of the other so-called "new people" bitch about this place and don't last long but ya know, whatever, this is the internet and people have opinions. This is the only forum I've ever stayed this long on, even if I usually just browse through music threads when Im bored and don't post a whole lot. So, what I really think about MB members?

I like all of you.

Yeah, even the trolls or you people who cause drama are entertaining

k bye
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