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Old 03-09-2013, 10:08 AM   #12 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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My mothers cancer is in remission and she was recently given a 95% recovery rate. She's got two more weeks of radiation therapy but it's still taking an emotional toll. Nearly every one of you have mentioned her in your posts and I can't tell you how grateful I am that there is an online community of people who are all genuine and kind. I thank all of you.

About my brother...

I agree with all of you. I guess the one thinking I didn't mention was what I think is going on with him. I mentioned the broken leg because this is where I think he started having problems mentally. He stopped seeing his friends and had to basically live in a basement by himself most of the day due to my parents and I working. I also think this is where he was introduced to the world of drugs.

Let me make this statement. The main focal point here is not the weed. My family is a very logical family. We know that the weed is a device to self medicate and that it needs to go away but the problem is the emptyness and complete lack of emotion, guilt, or remorse for lying to the faces of his family. He lies to my face and when I expose his lie he just shrugs his shoulders. He acts like the fights we had don't exist and hour later as he's asking me if he could use my car to go get coffee. He actually doesn't understand why I'm disgusted with him and am not allowing him to use my car. He actually doesn't get it.

I don't know what that is. He isn't stupid. He's sick. Very very very sick. The worst part is that he was FINE two weeks ago. He was my best friend two weeks ago. It's like he's possessed. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen.

Anyway, we're calling doctors and making appointments and I'm preparing myself to let him go emotionally if he continues this. I feel horrible for what I said yesterday even though I know I'm right. That's how much I love him. It just really sucks right now.

Thank you all for your responses.
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