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Old 03-19-2013, 08:45 AM   #287 (permalink)
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Fitness snobbery/people who think bodybuilding is bad. I know someone who does crossfit and has some kind of snobbery toward bodybuilding. Why would it be wrong to build muscle but then if someone wants to lose fat, that's completely fine? Is it bad for a woman to lose fat purely for vanity? What's if she's overweight? Why do these people only ever think of the extreme end of the bodybuilding spectrum i.e. the steroid addicted nasty bastard with a shit diet?

Why do people look down on it so much? It's no more or less 'right' than any other sport or form of training, it's entirely down to goal, the individual and how much you enjoy it. Fucking boils my piss. Yeah there are those arrogant, self-obsessed wankers in the gym who watch you lift 50kg then go and put 50 on then another 5 to show you that their manhood is that bit girthier than yours but that's because they are cunts. Has fuck all to do with 'bodybuilding'.
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