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Old 03-19-2013, 10:27 AM   #288 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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I'll tell you what grinds my gears: the woman who lives across the street from me. I live on a very narrow city street with parking only on one side and even that is a tight fit. This morning I came out to find her big honkin' SUV jammed right up against my bumper. It was annoying, but made even more annoying when she decided to come outside and lecture me about how I was parked. Basically her issue was that she feels entitled to the spot directly in front of her house and I'm being "inconsiderate" by not leaving a massive amount of space for her to park her SUV in. Let me be clear here: no one owns a particular section of curb on my street, you park where you can find a spot. Only her and one other lazy asshat on my block think they own a section of street.

This is just the latest thing with her too. She's also the same person who threw a huge party about five feet from my front door last summer with a DJ so loud that I couldn't even hear the TV on the third floor of my house and didn't even bother giving a courtesy invite to me and my wife. And she habitually borrows money from one of my other neighbors and never pays him back. And she has ongoing domestic drama with her on again/off again husband playing out for the whole neighborhood on regular basis. And she has unbelievably loud conversations on her stoop late at night. In short, she's a winner.
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